Horses for courses: making sure you match up your interior design requirements with the appropriate service provider

I cannot stress the importance of getting the right match between your project and the individual or team you appoint. You are probably thinking that this is fairly obvious, however with a large dollop of creative marketing any novice interior designer can make themselves look far more competent than they actually are. 

Don’t get me wrong, we all have to start somewhere but a good somewhere to start learning the business, is alongside a seasoned professional as part of a team and not practising on an unsuspecting client. Being the guinea pig for an inexperienced one man band could end very badly. This is not to say that employing someone fresh to the industry is always a bad idea because it’s not. Providing the relationship is honest and both parties are completely clear on the designer’s experience or lack of and the design work is priced accordingly, this could be a fantastic fit for the right combination of parties.

If you are planning a comprehensive or large scale project, make sure you appoint an individual or team with a proven track record of similar scale work. Conversely a large scale company who specialise in designing chains of hotels will probably not be interested in the layout of your downstairs loo. 

Diligent research always pays dividends when finding the right interior designer: seeing through the smoke screens

At one point there were so many interior designers at the school gate that when asked what I did as a job, I was embarrassed to utter the words “interior designer”. You could almost hear the groans and mutterings “not another one”. My terribly succinct and slightly acerbic friend would  neatly pigeon hole this career as “The Jobby Hobby”.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some fantastic designers who have entered the profession as a second career but what one must keep in mind is that this industry is largely unlicensed. When you read the words “fully qualified” what does that mean exactly? This is a question that needs to be asked because courses vary wildly and a part time or short course may not be sufficient to use as a springboard to complicated projects.

On the other hand I have come across some astounding interior designers with no qualifications whatsoever. These are often individuals who have been fortunate enough to learn from the best, on the job as an apprentice. Their knowledge is the type that is learned from years of practical experience. 

Never be frightened to ask potential designers how they learnt their craft, how long they have been working for private clients and how many projects they have completed. These are all perfectly reasonable questions to ask and if the response is obstructive or obtuse, perhaps think again or alternatively pivot as fast as your kitten heels will allow and head for the hills.

You still can’t beat old fashioned personal recommendations when it comes to engaging the right interior designer

Nothing changes when it comes to personal recommendations. Selecting an interior designer based on enthusiastic and positive referrals from friends, relatives, co workers or neighbours is clearly an excellent option. These will be totally genuine and bona fide clients and you should feel comfortable enough to ask plenty of pertinent questions, investigate the nitty gritty and have a good look at the work.

Online platitudes are all very well but a warning to the trusting: I have seen one customer referral expanded into 6 smaller versions. The company in question took one letter and split it into 6 parts. I had seen the original and was horrified at this blatant multiplication. Scary!

In short, ask the questions, do the research and take your time. In the second part of this blog, I will give you some helpful tips on how to wade through the quagmire of social media and find that genuine gem.

Remember we now offer a Nationwide online interior design  and plan review service. Drop us a line, we would be delighted to hear about your project and yes we have genuine references.


